Dismantling Racism Learning Lab
Artistic Logistics and Radical EQ are pleased to offer a virtual anti-racism workshop designed to help your team address systemic and structural racism in your programs, governance, organizational culture and operations.
Let’s get to the root of the problem
Many consulting firms offer diversity and inclusion or anti-bias trainings. However, we believe that those approaches do not address the fundamental cause of a lack of diversity, lack of inclusion, or symptoms of bias: racism.
We go deeper, to the root of America’s “original sins,” and reflect on how they have infected and affected each and every one of us. Our work is meant to support people of all racial classifications, though the impact on Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color is different than on White people; what’s essential in this is that you all, as an organization, share an understanding of the origin of American racism, and how its effects continue to play out today.


Hard conversations, lovingly facilitated
After decades of facilitating group meetings ranging from four to four hundred people, the Artistic Logistics/Radical EQ team members are experts at participatory processes that are engaging, powerful and productive.

Participatory Work
We begin with everyone getting a deeper insight into how each of us shows up on a daily basis, with the histories we each carry. We transition from the personal to the historical, with Radical EQ’s deep dive into the genesis of race and racism, including ample time for questions and answers. We offer further opportunities for personal reflection, and provide tools to analyze structural racism within your organization, and throughout contemporary society.
Visual Thinking
Artistic Logistics uses hand-crafted visual notes and tools to engender clearer and deeper thinking. Like many complex issues, understanding racism is easier when people can see what they’re talking about. We create vivid, large-scale maps of the process as it happens, and then use these maps actively throughout the training.This ensures that the hard work we do together remains visible and legible for as many stakeholders as possible, which in turn fosters buy-in and enthusiasm.
Practical Results
We close the two-day workshop with short- and long-term action planning, which fuels the overall planning process. The three-day workshop offers insights into crafting an anti-racist mission and core values, and specific tools for organizational change.


We make virtual workshops productive and engaging
The unexpected benefits of our shift to remote work include the elimination of travel expenses, and the flattening of hierarchies in Zoom-based workshops. But working remotely, particularly in group settings, can also leave people feeling misunderstood or ignored.
Artistic Logistics and Radical EQ are veterans at conducting lively, dynamic meetings using the Zoom platform. We were working in the Zoom environment well before the pandemic, and are skilled at using:
- virtual breakout rooms for small-group conversations that are then brought back to the larger group
- polling and chat functions
- integration of PowerPoint and other communication tools
- live graphic recording and creation of visual maps
- and full-group conversations that are productive and meaningful


We can offer three options for anti-racism training: a three-day intensive, a two-day intensive, or a one-day overview. The one-day workshop provides an introduction to the essentials, but does not delve deeply into your organization’s particular circumstances.
Artistic Logistics and Radical EQ tailor our pricing to meet the needs of our clients and to accommodate sufficient facilitation support to achieve the desired results. Please contact us directly to work on a proposal to meet your needs.
We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you.